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Read an extract from Wirral Hospitals’ School Website  and see what they say about us. You can find the link to their website below


Our children are the future generation that will grow up to be decision makers and arguably hold the key to changing the world. We want a more peaceful and prosperous world. GSN provides opportunities to work together and inspires our children to become active global citizens, who are informed about world issues and able to adapt to the changing world.
The work that we do with GSN contributes to achieving the International School Award and compliments the Global Learning Programme.
Our links with Kenyan schools provide lots of opportunities for everyone involved.
We are now into the third year of linking with two Kenyan schools. We have received and responded to letters from Kenyan students and have completed two reciprocal school projects; thus enhancing students’ awareness and understanding of differences between children living in the UK and of those living in Kenya.

The aims and objectives of GSN are very clear. They want to improve the lives, opportunities and experiences of all children involved in the network.
They seek to create networks of schools working together, communicating and learning from each other. We want children to have the best possible opportunities in life no matter where they live, what background they come from or what beliefs they have.
They want to support the development of Kenyan schools by focusing on infrastructure, building further opportunities for children and enhancing learning.

Please Read an endorsement from Grove Street Primary School 

Our children and families have all gained so much from the GSN. It brings a Global dimension to the children’s learning across the curriculum.
Having pan pals in Kenya has really personalised our international focus. This is also a sustainable activity as the children in Y6 will continue writing to their pen pals in Y7.
GSN was a key factor when we were assessed for our Rights Respecting Award, and our SMSC Gold Award.

We wouldn’t be without the support of the Network, and in particular, the support of John Burrows.

Meg Marshall