Home > Aims and Objectives

Welcome to Global School Network

Our aims and objectives are very clear. We want to improve the lives, opportunities and experiences of all children involved in the network.

We seek to create networks of schools working together, communicating and learning from each other. We want children to have the best possible opportunities in life no matter where they live, what background they come from or what beliefs they have.

We want to support the development of Kenyan schools by focusing on infrastructure, building further opportunities for children and enhancing learning.


  • Connect children across continents through communication
  • Enable children to work together.
  • Learn from each other and make discoveries.
  • Develop the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development in schools.
  • Improve the infrastructure in schools including enhancing the schools prospects for growth.
  • Provide further opportunities for children and CPD for staff.


  • Distribute and organise work, letters and projects from the children.
  • Create opportunities for children to work and learn from each other.
  • Explore different cultural perspectives
  • Encourage children to be active global citizens by providing opportunities to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; reflecting on their lives and their place in the world.
  • Provide assistance to develop school infrastructure including ICT capabilities.
  • Support the development of social enterprise schemes to encourage development in communities, schools and employment post school age.


  • Providing opportunities for children to communicate and work together
  • Supporting schools in their development
  • Providing funds to develop much needed infrastructure
  • Developing the ICT capacity and capability
  • Investing in social enterprise schemes to encourage sustainability (Please see page on Social Enterprise Schemes)
  • Encouraging CPD opportunities for staff and exchange of ideas.


  • As we are a small Community Interest Company. We believe that we can make a real difference and have a long lasting impact on development. Often with larger charities and organisations money gets swallowed up and there is little way of knowing where the money is spent. With GSN we are able to target funds strategically and where it is needed, working closely with local people who know what is required, so we are able to make a real difference. You will be able to see the growth and development of schools who are part of the project. I want to make it clear what is happening and to be accountable for the development of GSN


We want to make GSN sustainable and therefore we are putting strict measures in place to make sure we are thinking about the future. We want to support  communication and learning between children, which could have a big future impact on the lives of children involved in the project. We want to encourage investment in ICT as that is where the future lies in a competitive globalised world. Children need the ICT skills to develop as informed global citizens. We also want to invest in social enterprise schemes so that money can be generated and invested back into the project. It becomes self sustaining.

Any questions contact:- globalschoolnetwork@gmail.com

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